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Marine For Life

Marine for Life Program Overview

The purpose of the Marine for Life program is to assist Honorably Discharged Marines by connecting the Marine with information about employment, education, local communities, and veterans’ benefits.
Over the past twenty months, the Marine for Life program has hired more than seventy Hometown Links across the country to assist transitioning Marines. Each Hometown Link has two main tasks. First, the Hometown Link builds networks of community resources that can provide information and assistance to transitioning Marines. Network resources consist of businesses, individuals, or government agencies that are able to assist Marines who have served honorably on active duty. Next, Hometown Links serve Marines who are leaving active duty by connecting them with network resources located in their community. This information is intended to provide the transitioning Marine with opportunities that can be pursued as the Marine’s career goals become clearer.
The Marine for Life program is in a growth mode seeking to add network resources across the country. As a network resource with the Marine for Life program, a business or individual can extend their contact information to Marines around the globe. The only cost is the time it takes to speak with your local Hometown Link and provide them with the information needed to have transitioning Marines contact you.
Marines become aware of network resources by browsing the Marine for Life program’s website, working with Hometown Links, or talking with other Marines. The Marine for Life program is the perfect opportunity for a Marine friendly business to assist Marines and to show their gratitude for fellow American’s service to our country.
For additional information please visit the Marine for Life program’s web page:
Click here:

The end state for the Marine for Life program is to thank each Marine for their service and leave a positive and lasting impression on every Marine who wears the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor, thus keeping our ethos “Once a Marine, Always a Marine” alive in the form of a vibrant and growing alumni network consisting of Marines, former Marines, and friends of Marines.
This program is managed by the U. S. Marine Corps for its Marines.

For further information or to have any questions answered, please contact:
Major Mike Steadman, Hometown Link, Marine For Life

P.O. Box 1582
Middletown, CT 06457

(203) 927-0582 or e-mail or

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